"Our Vision is to create and sustain an institute par excellence dedicated to value-based education that juxtaposes professionalism with humanism, Meeting global challenges is possible with quality education, and to follow an unending mission for the ever-expanding landscape of knowledge."



  • To provide quality education for the all-around development of the students.
  • To maintain the standard of education through effective teaching.
  • To provide quality education and encourage creative exploration making use of Information Communication Technology.
  • To empower the youth generation to transform challenges into opportunities.
  • To shape their aspirations and long-cherished dreams.
  • To promote and develop balanced, harmonious, law-abiding, and concerned citizens.
  • To expand the range of courses/subjects for the students.
  • To make students responsible citizens towards the country and society.
  • Creating a suitable peaceful environment for students to learn.
  • To promote academic excellence and skill development so as to prepare them for the challenges of the outer world.


We fulfill our Vision, Mission in the Mission mode, which are determined by this HEI

  • Govt. Arts, Science, and Commerce College, Dharamjaigarh is the only HEI in the Dharamjaigarh tehsil to cater to the educational needs of nearby local rural students. 10 acres of land of the college is donated by the local landlord family. Therefore it’s the moral responsibility of the college to make hard efforts to empower and educate the nearby rural youth generation and pay back something to the people. For this, IQAC and all stakeholders are regularly working through various programs and activities. A good benchmark of college success is the configuration of its behavior and initiatives with its vision and mission.
  • It has mentioned in its vision to educate the browbeaten students of the society. In the present, the college’s mission is to facilitate students to develop into enhanced human beings with the potential to transform within. The admission policy of the college also is reflective of this broad vision. The college is strongly committed to the development of youth and the history and culture of the town Dharamjaigarh region.
  • The College is expanding its infrastructural facilities with the changing time. Every stakeholder feels free to suggest ideas for the development of the college. The college promises to empower rural youth with quality education.
  • Our college aims to embolden the talent of students and let them emerge. This can be achieved only through the systematic education which college is providing.
  • This institution was established in 2007. The aim of starting the college in this rural area was to provide an opportunity to the rural tribal students of this area, especially the rural girl students to pursue higher education for their development and progress of the family.
  • It is to be noted that two-thirds of total enrolled students are girl students. So, in accordance with the mission statement, the college gives disclosure to the girl students to obtain an opportunity to contribute to all curricular, extracurricular, and extension activities very enthusiastically. This is done by various committees, e.g. through the NSS, IQAC Cell, Women Cell, Student Welfare Committee, personality development program, career counseling committee, etc. The programs for the students get a stage and platform to develop their academic as well as their character, professional, educational, social consciousness, and responsiveness.
  • Various teaching-learning methods like Group-Discussion, Peer Teaching, Quiz, Participative Learning, and develop specific capabilities in the students. Extension activities in the college merge human values in them, students learn the value of time and discipline with the time-bound process of the Annual Academic System and also increase their efficiency. Various distinguished personalities are called by the Career Counseling Cell to address, motivate and guide the students. These programs encourage students and help them to set their goals. These programs help students explain how to overcome the stress of students as well as day-to-day life. Co-curricular and cultural activities organized in the college helps to explore & demonstrate their talent.
  • Women's Empowerment: Women's Cell gives opportunities to women for freedom or power to live the approach which they desire by women’s Empowerment. This is significant for women to recognize themselves with self-confidence & respect. During graduation, the college mentors them adhering to the core values of the college, and make them competent enough to develop knowledge, undergo persuasion, communicate healthily, and have skills that give them an opportunity of employability.
  • Skill Development: It is defined as an expression to get better your capacity, capability to complete work, get improved your skill, and to be able to complete whole a task with higher rates of achievement at the right time.
  • The college has tried to believe in skill development during their courses so that students will be prepared with the excellences that enhance their internal capacity and chances of employability. Therefore, this gives a system for financial freedom.
  • Low-cost education is successfully implemented: The admission fees, tuition fees and examination fees of the students are very low as per the Chhattisgarh government. It is in the range of nearly Rs.3000/- to 5000/- per year. According to the Chhattisgarh Government’s rule, there are no tuition fees for girls, SC, and ST students. Therefore, low-cost teaching is effectively implemented in this college. Also, nearly 80% of economically and socially backward-class students apply for government scholarships like BPL, Post-metric, and other scholarships.