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Course Outcomes
The list of Programs & Courses Studies in Govt. Arts, Science & Commerce College, Dharamjaigarh
S.No. |
1 |
Bachelor of Commerce (B.COM.) |
Hindi Language & Literature |
2 |
Bachelor of Science (B.SC.) |
English Language & Literature |
3 |
Bachelor of Arts (B.A.) |
Political Science |
4 |
Sociology |
5 |
Economics |
6 |
Physics |
7 |
Chemistry |
8 |
Mathematics |
9 |
Botany |
10 |
Zoology |
11 |
Commerce |
Bachelor of Commerce (B.COM.)
PO1. Consumer Movement: Make people aware of the consumer movement, rights & duties, laws relating.
PO2. Environment Awareness: Understand the issues and problems of environmental context and develop environmental awareness in the mind.
PO3. Sound knowledge of commercial, economic, and taxation laws: Impact on changes of taxation, economic and commercial law to various areas of economy and practices.
PO4. To apply basic mathematical and statistical skills A bachelor can apply basic mathematical operations and statistical skills necessary, which is necessary for the analysis of a range of problems in economics studies, Accounting, Marketing, Management, and Finance, etc.
PO5. After completion of three years of bachelor's in commerce program, students would gain a thorough grounding in the fundamentals of commerce and finance.
PO6. Students will learn relevant managerial accounting career skills, applying both quantitative and qualitative knowledge to their future careers in business.
PO7. Learners will acquire the skills like effective communication, decision making, problem-solving in day-to-day business affairs.
PO8. Analysis of Organizational problems A bachelor can analyze and understand the balance between real and sustainable economic development.
PO1. Articulate the relationship between different branches of science. A bachelor of science can apply appropriate methods to solve problems, the international scope of science, mathematics, technology, and engineering knowledge and methods, and the contributions to their development that have been made by people with diverse perspectives, cultures, and backgrounds.
PO2. Applying appropriate methods to solve the problem A Bachelor can apply appropriate methods to solve problems in science, mathematics, technology including the planning and conduct of a significant project problem or investigation.
PO3. Understand the methods of science, understands the methods of science, and can explain why scientific knowledge is both contestable and testable by future inquiry.
Bachelor of Arts (B.A.)
PO1. Environment Awareness: Understand the issues and problems of environmental context and develop environmental awareness in the mind.
PO2. Critical Approaches: Students will develop an ability to read works of literary, and cultural criticism and develop ideas with the help of their specialization. They will express their ideas as informed opinions, small projects, and practical and understand how their approach compares to a variety of critical and theoretical approaches.
PO3. Reading and writing skills: Students can interpret with an awareness and curiosity for other perspectives. They will be able to write effectively for a variety of professional and social settings. They will develop an awareness and confidence in their voice as a writer and analyze complex social and natural problems with the help of their degree specialization.
PO4. Knowledge and understanding of the arts field: To develop a detailed knowledge and understanding of the arts field as core disciplines in humanities, social sciences, and languages.
d{kk & ch-,- izFke o’kZ
izksxzke vkmVde & fgUnh Hkk’kk vkSj lkfgR;
d{kk & ch-,- f}rh; o’kZ
d{kk & ch-,- r`rh; o’kZ
dkslZ vkmVde
1-dchj] tk;lh ds thouh ]jpuk ,oa nksgs ds ckjs esa KkuA
2- ?kukuan dfo ds ckjs esa KkuA
3- rqylhnkl ds ckjs esa KkuA
4- HkfDrdky ds ckjs esa KkuA
5- jhfrdky ds ckjs esa KkuA
6- fgUnh dgkuh ds ckjs esa KkuA
7-Bsl dgkuh ¼Qf.k”oj ukFk js.kq½ ds ckjs esa Nk=ksa dks tkudkjhA
8- xny ¼jka?ks; jk?ko½ dgkuh ds ckjs esa tkudkjhA
9- izsepan ds ckjs esa tkudkjh rFkk mudh jpukvksa ds ckjs esa tkudkjhA
10-xcu miU;kl ds ckjs esa lEiw.kZ tkudkjhA
11-eSfFkyh”kj.k xqIr dh thouh ,oa d`fr;ksa ds ckjs esa tkudkjhA
12-lw;Zdkar f=ikBh fujkyk ds rksM+rh iRFkj ,oa izxfroknh psruk ds ckjs esa Nk=ksa dks tkudkjhA
13- ek[kuyky prqosZnh dfo dh thouh ,oa d`fr;ksa dh tkudkjhA
14-lqHknzk dqekjh pkSgku ds ckjs esa Nk=ksa dks KkuA
15- Jhdkar oekZ ds ckjs esa Nk=ksa dks KkuA
16- fgUnh ukV~; lkfgR; ds ckjs esa Nk=ksa dks tkudkjhA
17-fgUnh ,dkadh lkfgR; tSls jkedqekj oekZ dh ,dkadh vkSjaxtsc dh vk[kjh jkr ds ckjs esa KkuA
18-fgUnh fuca/k ds ckjs esa KkuA
19- csbZekuh dh ijr fuca/k ¼gfj”kadj ijlkbZ½ds ckjs esa tkudkjhA
20- egknsoh oekZ ds ckjs esa Nk=ksa dks tkudkjhA
21-NÙkhlx<+h lkfgR; dh fodkl ;k=k ds ckjs esa Nk=ksa dks tkudkjhA
22- lar/keZnkl dh thouh ,oa nksgs ds ckjs esa Nk=ksa dks tkudkjhA
23- fou; dqekj ikBd ds thouh ,oa jpukvksa ds ckjs esa Nk=ksa dks KkuA
24- eqdqan dkS”ky ¼NÙkhlx<+h xty½ ds ckjs esa Nk=ksa dks tkudkjhA
25- ia- lqUnjyky “kekZ ds ckjs esa Nk=ksa dks tkudkjhA
26- fgUnh Hkk’kk dk mn; vkSj fodkl ds ckjs esa Nk=ksa dks tkudkjhA
27- fgUnh ds “kCn Hk.Mkj ds ckjs esa tkudkjhA
28- fgUnh lkfgR; ds bfrgkl ds ckjs esa tkudkjhA
29- jl ds ckjs esa Nk=ksa dks tkudkjhA
30- NUn ,oa vyadkj ds ckjs esa Nk=ksa dks tkudkjhA
English Language and Literature
Program Outcomes of U.G. English Literature and Language
PO 1: Imbibe moral and human values through a study of the English language and literature.
PO 2: Make special use of language for their expression.
PO 3: To make accurate use of the English language in their respective field and communicate effectively.
PO 4: Get acquainted with the language, poetical style, and diction to interpret any literary text.
PO 5: Make proficient in the English language to improve their employability.
PO 6: To understand the usage of words and phrases in communicative skills.
PO 7: Comprehend various forms of literature like prose, poetry, drama, and fiction
PO 8: Apprehend different cultures and cultural sensibilities around the world
PO 9: Perspectives of literary movements that existed in different ages.
Program Specific Outcome of U.G. English Literature and Language
PSO 1: Develop the knowledge of the grammatical system of the English language.
PSO 2: Define literary theory and terms in criticism.
PSO 3: Develop four language skills LSRW.
PSO 4: Scope of employability and entrepreneurship in the field of Media and Journalism, Teaching, Public Relations, Human resources, Civil Service, Creative Writing, etc.
Course Outcomes of U.G. English Literature and Language On the completion of the course the students are able to:
CO 1: Analyze the text for understanding content.
CO 2: Study basic English Grammar and composition for developing communication skills.
CO 3: Study and understand poetic types and trends
CO 4: Express creativity through writing poems.
CO 5: Understand and comprehend the significance and relevance of English as an International Language.
CO 6: To develop own self as a Learners of Language.
CO 7: To compete in General English papers in career-oriented exams.
Political Science
Course Outcomes of Political Science
CO1: Acquiring proper knowledge of political science a student may be able to understand various political issues and find the best solution from their surroundings. He may also be able to deal with the political system, political approach, political development, political ethics, political parties, and modernization. He could have a better command of the public administration field. He could also have better knowledge of chief executive, line and staff agencies, leadership, decision making, and accountability control over administration-Legislative and judicial. Program Specific Outcomes of Political Science
PSOI: Comparative Politics Acquiring knowledge of this subject a student will be able to deal with theoretical evaluation and approaches to the study of politics. He would also be able to highlight variations in systematic characteristics and processes to equip with a sound group of the methodology of comparison and these enable to understand alternative theoretical males and explanations.
PSO2: Public Administration - Having proper knowledge of the subject students may be able to study public administration in its larger systematic million to identify key interacting factors in its apparatus and actor and to develop an understanding of measures that affect its operating efficiency and strengthen its significant contributions to the process of development.
PSO3: International Politics Going through the subject students would be able to deal with the different approaches and methods of studying international politics along with an emphasis on the same important contemporary issues. One very important component of this subject the theoretical postulates about power and its actual operation of it in contemporary international politics. The concept of non-alignment, arms control and disarmaments regional organization of South East Asia and the major area of conflict and co-operation south and west need is also to be analyzed.
PSO4: Contemporary Political issues - This subject provides the knowledge of science, economics, culture and humanitarian concerns in the most well-established democracies in the post-cold war period. These concerns also find their advocates in the relative by under development counters of the third world. There is a need to examine to what extent are these concerns new or are they a redefined of old ideas with a fresh look? A student may be able to examine critically these and analyze their impact on world politics and policymaking Initiatives both globally and within individual countries.
PSO5: Research Methodology - A student may have knowledge for basic instruction to the process and method of empirical research for achieving scientific knowledge in political science. He can make attempt to relate social science research methods to another course of political science. He may be able to learn the method of data collection, sample survey, preparation of bibliography and questionnaire, writing of report dissertation and thesis.
PSO6: International organization - By having proper knowledge of this subject students may able to study evaluation and the development of the international organization from its inception till present times. He may focus on the problems that confirm international organizations and constructs within which they function. An in-depth study of the structure and functioning of united nations needs to be undertaken and analyzed from the perspective of whether it has lined up to the expectations hope and aspirations of its architects, in addition, the shift from political and security considerations to social, economic and humanitarian concern following the end of the cold war.
PSO7: Western Political Thought - subject provides the knowledge on the nature and significance of political theory as it evolved and analyses its contemporary relevance. Students may be able to explain the continuing significance of the study of the classics and indicates its shortcomings by underlining the need to incorporate new perspectives that have arisen in the recent past.
PSO8: Modern Indian Political Thought – Having proper knowledge of the subject students may able to generate a critical awareness about the distinctive features of the political theory tradition in Modern India. He may focus the bearing of India's philosophical system of thought on social and political ideas and to what extent is Indian political thought a rejection derivative mutation or innovation transformation of western political thought.
B.A. I- Sociology: An Introduction Outcome
Students will gain insight into the emergence of Sociology as an independent subject of inquiry as well as the basic concepts of sociology, social institutions social processes. They also get to know the utility of sociology and about Applied Sociology and Social Ecology. Indian Society Outcome - In this paper students will dive deep into the core of Indian society. They will understand the Ancient concepts like Varna, Ashram system, Theory of Karma, etc. They will also learn about the cultural diversity prevalent in India, social institutions related to different religions and tribes, changes occurring in the Indian society through the process of Globalization, Liberalization, etc. and some social issues and problems of the state of Chhattisgarh.
B.A. II - Foundations of Sociological Thoughts Outcome - Students would be able to gain knowledge about the emergence and development of Sociology a:d the pioneers of the subject like Auguste Compte, Karl Marx, Emile Durkheim, Max Weber, Vilfredo Pareto etc. and some of their important classical theories along with the development of sociological thoughts in India. Crime and Society Outcome This paper will develop an understanding of the concepts of crime, law and the criminal justice system. Students will be able to understand crime rates, patterns and types of crime and punishment. They will know about social disorganization and the correctional process too.
B.A. III - Sociology of Tribal Society Outcome
One of the important components of Indian society is the Tribal Society. Students get to know about the concept, classification, culture, beliefs, religion, customs, institutions as well as social problems, changes, and mobility prevalent among the aboriginals and the schemes of tribal development. They would also learn about some important tribal communities of Chhattisgarh.
Program Outcome of U.G. Economics
Program Specific Outcomes of U.G Economics
Course Outcomes of U.G Economics
B.A. Part 1
Paper 1: Micro Economics
CO1. The students after the completion of this course will be able to contemplate and comprehend and recognize the definitions, nature and scope of economics.
CO2. The students after the completion of this course will be able to contemplate and comprehend and recognize the theory of production and cost.
CO3. The students after the completion of this course will be able to contemplate and comprehend and recognize the market structure.
CO4. The students after the completion of this course will be able to contemplate and comprehend and recognize factor pricing.
CO5. The students after the completion of this course will be able to contemplate and comprehend and recognize welfare economics.
Paper 2: Indian Economy
CO1. The students after the completion of this course will be able to contemplate and comprehend and recognize pre and post-independent Indian economy.
CO2. The students after the completion of this course will be able to contemplate and comprehend and recognize the role of economics in population and human development.
CO3. The students after the completion of this course will be able to contemplate and comprehend and recognize the role of economics in agriculture.
CO4. The students after the completion of this course will be able to contemplate and comprehend and recognize the role of economics in the industry.
CO5. The students after the completion of this course will be able to contemplate and comprehend and recognize the role of economics in the foreign external sector.
B.A. Part 2
Paper 1: Macro Economics
CO1. The students after the completion of this course will be able to contemplate and comprehend and recognize national income & social accounts.
CO2. The students after the completion of this course will be able to contemplate and comprehend and recognize the role of economics in the consumption function.
CO3. The students after the completion of this course will be able to contemplate and comprehend and recognize the nature and characteristics of the trade cycle.
CO4. The students after the completion of this course will be able to contemplate and comprehend and recognize the role of economics in international trade.
CO5. The students after the completion of this course will be able to contemplate and comprehend and recognize the functions of IMF, World Bank, and WTO.
Paper 2: Money, Banking and Public Finance
CO1. The students after the completion of this course will be able to contemplate and comprehend and recognize basic concepts of money.
CO2. The students after the completion of this course will be able to contemplate and comprehend and recognize the role of economics in commercial banking.
CO3. The students after the completion of this course will be able to contemplate and comprehend and recognize the meaning and scope of public finance.
CO4. The students after the completion of this course will be able to contemplate and comprehend and recognize the sources of public revenue and taxation.
CO5. The students after the completion of this course will be able to contemplate and comprehend and recognize public debt and financial administration.
B.A. Part 3
Paper 1: Development and Environmental Economics
CO1. The students after the completion of this course will be able to contemplate and comprehend and recognize economic growth and development.
CO2. The students after the completion of this course will be able to contemplate and comprehend and recognize the relationship between economics and population problems & growth.
CO3. The students after the completion of this course will be able to contemplate and comprehend and recognize Harrods and Domar's growth model.
CO4. The students after the completion of this course will be able to contemplate and comprehend and recognize their relationship between economics and environment & ecology.
CO5. The students after the completion of this course will be able to contemplate and comprehend and recognize the concept of intellectual capital.
Paper 2: Statistical Methods
CO1. The students after the completion of this course will be able to comprehend and apply statistical methods in economics.
CO2. The students after the completion of this course will be able to comprehend and apply the measurement of central tendency in economics.
CO3. The students after the completion of this course will be able to comprehend and apply the methods & tools of dispersion in economics.
CO4. The students after the completion of this course will be able to comprehend and apply the coefficient of correlation in economics.
CO5. The students after the completion of this course will be able to comprehend and apply index numbers and measurements of trends in economics.
Program Outcomes Physics:
After the completion of the B.Sc. degree, there are various options available for the science students, they can pursue a master's degree in science. M.Sc. & work in research-related fields and can even look for professional job oriented courses often in some reputed universities or colleges the students are recruited directly by big MNC's after the completion of the course. The student is also eligible for the job of various government exams conducted by UPSC, PSC, SSC, and Banking field.
Program Specific Outcome of U.G. Physics
PSO1: Graduates will acquire a comprehensive knowledge and sound understanding of the fundamentals of physics.
PSO2: Graduates will be prepared to acquire a range of general skills to solve problems to evaluate information use computers productively to communicate with society effectively learn independently.
PSO3: Graduates will acquire a job efficiently in diverse fields such as science and Engineering, Education, Banking Public Services, Business, etc.
PSO4: The graduates will have a continuous learning attitude to adopt new skills and techniques to overcome the challenges related to new technologies.
PSO5: Students will be able to understand the fundamental theories, consents, and application in basic areas of research develop the ability to explore new areas of research.
Course Outcomes of U.G. Physics
CO1: Machine, Oscillations, and properties of matter students will have understanding relative motion, Inertial and non-Inertial frames. Study of the interaction of forces between solids mechanical system center of mass of mechanical system law of motion and conservation strain and stress viscosity and surface tensions and elasticity. Electricity and Magnetism
CO2: Students will be able to:- Understand the relationship between electrical charge, electrical field, potential, and magnetism.
CO3: Understand the dielectric constant, resonance define the magnetic field and magnetic flux. Understand the Biot-Savart and Amperelow, Grass Law, etc. Thermodynamics and statistical physics
CO4: Completion of this course will enable the students to know the basics of thermal physics. Understand the behavior of real gases.
CO5: Understand the kinetic theory of gases: Maxwell-Boltzmann, Bose-Einstein, Fermi-Dirac statics. Understand the probability and thermodynamics probability. Waves, Acoustics and Politics
CO6: Students will be able to:- Understand the role of the wave equations. Understand the superposition of harmonic waves. Understand optical phenomena such as interference and diffraction.
CO7: Optical phenomena such as polarization. Understand the loser system and various applications of a laser. Relativity, Quantum mechanics, atomic, molecular and nuclear physics
CO8: Completion of this course will enable the student to understand the importance of quantum mechanics compared to classical mechanics. Understand Schrodinger et al". Basic properties of the nucleus and nuclear models to study the properties of the nuclear structure. Nuclear fission and fusion. Solid-state physics
CO9: Students will have an understanding of:- Structures in solids and their determination using XRD. The behavior of electrons in a solid includes the concept of energy bonds. Solid State Devices and Electronics
CO10: Students understand:- The semiconductors, diodes, and various transistors. In brief, discuss the rectifier and amplifiers.
Course Objective and Learning Outcome of the Courses Offered in Bachelor of Chemical Science Curriculum Course Objective:
Today nuclear chemistry is a part of our course curriculum and has been introduced with an objective to present a vignette of the composition of the nuclear structure, its stability and induce the students to take up nuclear research in their higher studies. There are lots of scope and opportunities, research and development in this subject since a lot still remains unexplored in this arena.
B.Sc. Part I
Paper-l Inorganic Chemistry
Unit I- To study the atomic structure and periodic properties to explain chemical behavior.
Unit II- To discuss chemical bonding, valence bond theory and the shape of some inorganic molecules.
Unit III- To study chemical bonding and ionic structures.
Unit IV - Comparative study and features of s block & p block elements.
Unit V - To study the chemical properties of noble gases and inorganic chemical analysis.
Paper-II Organic Chemistry
Unit I - To study electronic structure and bonding of organic reactions. Unit II - To discuss stereochemistry of organic compounds
Unit III- To study aliphatic and aromatic ring compounds of cycloalkanes.
Unit IV - Discuss the mechanism of alkenes, dienes, and alkynes.
Unit V To study aromatic hydrocarbons, Huckle rule, and substitution reactions. Paper- III Physical Chemistry
Unit I- To study the mathematical concept, permutation &combination & probability.
Unit II - Discuss the gaseous state and molecular velocities of gaseous molecules. Unit III- To study the liquid state, properties, and colloidal and surface chemistry. Unit IV - Discuss solid-state chemistry and X-ray diffraction.
Unit V - Study the chemical kinetics Arrhenius theory & catalysis. Learning Outcomes: After completing the course the student will be expected to be able to: Understand chemical bonding in compounds and ionic structures understand the concept of saturation, instauration, and aromaticity. Solve mathematical calculations applied in chemistry.
• Apply integrated rate equations to solve for the concentration of chemical species during the reaction of different orders, recall, manipulate and properly employ the Arrhenius law, plot equations and functions representing kinetic behavior of chemical systems, explain potential energy surface. Solve the problems in solid, liquid, and colloidal states.
B.Sc. Part II
Paper I Inorganic Chemistry
Unit I- Discuss the Chemistry of elements of the transition series
Unit II- Study the oxidation & reduction and coordination compounds
Unit III- To study coordination chemistry.
Unit IV - Study of Chemistry of lanthanide elements.
Unit V- Study the Acid and bases.
Paper-II Organic Chemistry
Unit I - To study the chemistry of organic halides.
Unit II -To study alcohols, phenols & ethers.
Unit III – To study aldehydes & ketones.
Unit IV- To discuss carboxylic acid and its derivatives.
Unit V- To discuss the organic compounds of nitrogen.
Paper- III Physical Chemistry
Unit I- To study fundamentals of a thermodynamic systems and surroundings and thermochemistry.
Unit II - To study the change in entropy of different processes through thermodynamics.
Unit III - To discuss chemical and ionic equilibrium.
Unit IV- To study phase rule, phase component & Nernst distribution law
Unit V - To study the theories and principles of photochemical reactions (photochemistry).
Learning Outcomes: After completing the course the student will be expected to be able to: Students should learn the synthesis, structures, bonding, and reactivity of lanthanides and actinides elements. Industrial application, as well as the medicinal importance of these compounds, will also be discussed. Be able to identify and rationalize the type of redox reaction with a suitable mechanism. Able to do some quantitative analysis. Able to discuss the concept of entropy in different thermodynamic systems and chemical & ionic equilibrium in solution and gas phase.
B.Sc. Part IIl
Paper I Inorganic Chemistry
Unit I- To study Metal-ligand bonding in transition metal complexes and thermodynamic & kinetic aspects of transition metal complexes.
Unit II- To discuss Magnetic properties and electronic spectra of transition metal complexes.
Unit III - To study nomenclature, classification, preparation, and bonding in organometallic compounds.
Unit IV - To Study Bioinorganic chemistry Essential and trace elements in biological processes Unit V To study Hard and soft acids and bases concept in chemistry.
Paper-II Organic Chemistry
Unit I- To study organometallic & organolithium, organosulphur compounds. Discussions on organic synthesis via enolates formation.
Unit II - To study biomolecules classification and their constituents.
Unit III - To study synthetic polymers and synthetic dyes.
Unit IV- To discuss principles and applications of mass, UV-visible, and IR spectroscopy.
Unit V - To study NMR and °CMR spectroscopy and applications in MRI (introductions).
Paper-III Physical Chemistry
Unit I - To study Quantum Mechanics.
Unit II - To Discuss Quantum mechanical approach of molecular orbit theory.
Unit III - To study electromagnetic radiations, vibrational and Raman spectra.
Unit IV - To study Electronic Spectra of diatomic molecules and photochemistry.
Unit V - study principles and application of thermodynamics. Physical properties and molecular structure and magnetic properties of solids.
Learning Outcomes: After completing the course the student will be expected to be able to: • Apply NMR, IR, MS, UV-Vis spectroscopic techniques in solving the structure of organic molecules and in the determination of their stereochemistry, explain the spectral transitions Determine bond length from rotational spectral data, identify a functional group in vibration spectra. Interpret the above spectroscopic data of unknown compounds and the nature of proton and determine the number of equivalent proton in a molecule from proton NMR spectra. Explain and use the central concepts, theoretical descriptions, and fundamental approximations applied to atoms. Treat the quantum mechanical formalism for identical particles and apply these to the structure of atoms, explain
fundamentals of photochemistry and the laws governing it, explain the Jablonski diagram and describe radioactive and non-radioactive transitions.
B.Sc. Part 1
Paper 1: Algebra & Trigonometry
Co1. The students after the completion of this course will be able to describe Group theory, Ring theory, Vector Space, Modules.
CO2. The students after the completion of this course will be able to find the inverse of the matrix, Canonical form, and apply the Clayey-Hamilton theorem.
CO3. The students after the completion of this course will be able to describe that every problem can be solved as every theorem in Group theory and Ring theory has its proof and solution.
CO4. The students after the completion of this course will be able to apply de-moivre's theorem to solve related problems.
Paper 2: Calculus
Co1.The students after the completion of this course will be able to test the continuity and differentiability of functions of one variable.
CO2. The students after the completion of this course will be able to calculate and solve the definite and indefinite integrals.
CO3. The students after the completion of this course will be able to find the Maclaurin and Taylor's series of functions at any value.
Paper 3: Vector Analysis & Geometry
Co1.The students after the completion of this course will be able to determine &calculate vector and scalars, dot and cross products.
CO2. The students after the completion of this course will be able to solve and verify Gauss, Creeno and Stokes theorem.
CO3. The students after the completion of this course will be able to solve Vector Integration and differentiation.
Co4. The students after the completion of this course will be able to describe Cone, Sphere, Cylinder, Generating Lines, Straight line, Plane etc.
B.Sc. Part 2
Paper 1: Advanced Calculus
Co1. The students after the completion of this course will be able to determine the series and alternating series. Different types of tests to solve the series.
CO2. The students after the completion of this course will be able to determine Jacobian of two and three variables.
CO3. The students after the completion of this course will be able to find the limit of a function of one and two and test its continuity and differentiability.
CO4. The students after the completion of this course will be able to determine the Beta - Gamma functions and solve the double and triple integrations.
Paper 2: Differential Equations
CO3. The students after the completion of this course will be able to analyze all types of trigonometric real functions.
Paper 2: Abstract Algebra
CO1.The students after the completion of this course will be able to use various forms of "Sylow theorem" to identify the whole structure of the group.
CO2. The students after the completion of this course will be able to analyze Groups, Subgroups, Normal Sub-groups, Semi-groups, etc.
CO3. The students after the completion of this course will be able to determine the inner product of two Vectors and Inner product space.
C04. The students after the completion of this course will be able to analyze Vector space, Ring, their types, modules, ideals etc.
Paper 3: Advanced Discrete Mathematics
CO1. The students after the completion of this course will be able to describe Graphs, Trees, Spanning Trees, Circuits, finite state machine, and their types.
CO2. The students after the completion of this course will be able to describe the difference between Mealy and Moore machine,
CO3. The students after the completion of this course will be able to compute the output of a finite state machine corresponding to their next state of the given input.
Program Outcome of U.G. Botany
PO1: To understand plant diversity.
PO2: Practical skills in the field and laboratory experiments.
PO3: Practical knowledge of plant metabolism.
PO4: For understanding the ethnopharmacological importance of plants.
PO4: Knowledge about biodiversity and its conservation.
Program Specific Outcomes of U.G Botany
PSO1: Become expertise in Biological Science.
PSO2: Skill development in the field of plant products.
PSO3: Career and Job opportunities.
PSO4: Aware of plant diversity and conservation.
Course Outcomes of U.G Botany
CO1: Understand the characteristics of the Virus.
CO2: Understand the structure and nature of Bacteria.
CO3: Understand the diversity and life cycle of Algae.
CO4: Understand the diversity and economic importance of Fungi.
CO5: Understand the structure importance of Lichens.
CO6: Understand the diversity of Bryophytes.
CO7: Understand the morphological and anatomical diversity of Pteridophytes
CO8: Understand the life cycle and economic importance
CO9: Understand the fossil Gymnosperm.
CO10: Understand the different types of classification of higher plants and nomenclature rules.
CO11: Understand the Herbarium preparation and its technique.
CO12: Understand the different families and their belonging plant species.
CO13: Understand the economic importance of higher plants.
CO14: Understand the plant's body plan and anatomy.
CO15: Understand the Embryology.
CO16: Understand the ecology.
CO17: Understand the plant movement.
CO18: To know the importance of plant physiology.
CO19: Understand the nature and function of Enzymes.
CO20: Understand the process of photosynthesis in the higher plants; efficiency of photosynthesis on the different intensities of light and temperature.
CO21: Understand the Respiration; respiration quotients (R.Q.) in different raw materials.
CO22: Understand the plant Hormones and their effect on plant growth.
CO23: Understand the structure and composition of the Ecosystem.
CO24: Understand the Energy flow in the Ecosystem.
CO25: Understand the Population Ecology.
CO26: Understand the Community Ecology.
CO27: Understand the different types of Forest in India.
CO28: Understand the utilization of plants.
CO29: Understand the medicinal use of plants.
Program Outcomes of U.G. Zoology:
Students gain knowledge and skill in the fundamentals of animal sciences, understand the complex interactions among various living organisms.
PO1: PO2: Apply the knowledge of the internal structure of the cell, its functions in the control of various metabolic functions of organisms.
PO3: Analyze complex interactions among the various animals of different phyla, their distribution, and their relationship with the environment.
PO4: Correlates the physiological processes of animals and the relationship of organ systems.
PO5: Understanding of environmental conservation processes and their importance, pollution control and biodiversity, and protection of endangered species.
PO6: Gain knowledge of Agro-based Small Scale industries like sericulture, fish farming, butterfly farming, and vermin-compost preparation.
PO7: Understands the complex evolutionary processes and behavior of animals. PO8: Understands various concepts of genetics and its importance in human health.
PO9: Apply ethical principles and commit to professional ethics and responsibilities in delivering his duties.
PO10: Apply the knowledge and understanding of Zoology to one's own life and work.
PO11: Develops empathy and love towards the animals.
Program Specific Outcomes of U.G. Zoology
PSO1: Demonstrated a broad analysis of animal diversity, including knowledge of the scientific classification and evolutionary relationships of major groups of animals.
PSO2: Recognized the relationships between structure and functions at different levels of biological organization (e.g., molecules, cells, organs, organisms, populations, and species) for the major groups of animals.
PSO3: Characterized the biological, chemical, and physical features of environments (e.g.,- terrestrial, freshwater, marine, host) that animals inhabit. Explained how animals function and interact with respect to biological, chemical, and physical processes in natural and impacted environments.
PSO4: Explained how organisms function at the level of the gene, genome, cell, tissue, organ- and organ system. Drawing upon this knowledge, they are able to give specific examples of the physiological adaptations, development, reproduction, and behavior of different forms of life.
PSO5:: Understood the applied biological sciences or economic Zoologies such as sericulture,¬ Apiculture, aquaculture, Industrial microbiology, r-DNA technology and medicine for their cancer opportunities.
Course Outcomes of U.G. Zoology Cell Biology and Non-chordate
COI: The students after the completion of this course will be able to describe & differentiate between prokaryotic & eukaryotic cell. Structure of an animal cell and its different cell organs.
CO2: The students after the completion of this course will be able to understand various types of cell division like mitosis & meiosis.
CO3: The students after the completion of this course will be able to know about the classification of Invertebrates & also be able to know about Phylum Protozoa, Porifera & Coelenterata
CO4: The students after the completion of this course will be able to classify & understand the Phylium Platyhelminthes, Nematohelminthes, Annelida & Arthropoda
CO5: The students after the completion of this course will be able to describe & classify Phylum Mollusca & Echinodermata. Chordata & Embryology
CO1: The students after the completion of this course will be able to learn about Protochordates, the origin of Chordates & their classification
CO2: The students after the completion of this course will be able to know about Fishes, Amphibians & Reptiles. Students will also be able to know about fish biology & also become versed in differentiating poisonous & non-poisonous snakes.
CO3: The students after the completion of this course will be able to know about various aspects of birds & mammalian biology.
CO4: The students after the completion of this course will be able to describe Fertilization, Gametogenesis, Parthenogenesis, various types of eggs, patterns of cleavage, developmental biology of the common Indian frog,
CO5: The students after the completion of this course will be able to describe embryological induction, differentiation, Development of chick up to three germ layers, regeneration & various types of the placenta in mammals.
COl: The students after the completion of this course will be able to understand the comparative anatomy of various organ systems of vertebrates including the Integument and its derivatives: structure of scales, hair, and feathers. Alimentary canal and digestive glands invertebrates. Respiratory organs including Gills and lungs, air-sac in birds
CO2: The students after the completion of this course will be able to understand the comparative study of the Endoskeleton, heart & urinogenital system in vertebrates.
CO3: The students after the completion of this course will be able to understand the comparative study of the Nervous System, structure & functions of ear and eye, Gonads, and genital ducts invertebrates.
CO4: The students after the completion of this course will be able to describe digestion & absorption of dietary components, physiology of heart, cardiac cycle and ECG, blood Coagulation, respiration: mechanism and control of breathing invertebrates
CO: The students after the completion of this course will be able to describe the physiology of excretion, osmoregulation, Physiology of muscle contraction, nerve impulse & synaptic transmission. VERTEBRATE ENDOCRINOLOGY, REPRODUCTIVE BIOLOGY BEHAVIOUR, EVOLUTION, AND APPLIED ZOOLOGY
COl: The students after the completion of this course will be able to know the structure and function of various endocrine glands, Hormone receptors, Biosynthesis and secretion of thyroid, adrenal, ovarian, and testicular hormones, the endocrine disorder of pituitary, thyroid, adrenal, and pancreas.
CO2: The students after the completion of this course will be able to describe the reproductive cycle in vertebrates, menstruation, lactation & pregnancy, mechanism of parturition, hormonal regulation of gametogenesis.
CO3: The students after the completion of this course will be able to understand Evidence of organic evolution, theories of organic evolution, variation, mutation, isolation & natural selection, the evolution of horses.
CO4: The students after the completion of this course will be able to know various branches & concepts of etiologic, patterns of behavior, taxes, reflexes, drives & stereotyped behavior, reproductive behavioral patterns, drugs & behavior, the effect of hormones & behavior.
CO5: The students after the completion of this course will be able to know prawn Culture, sericulture, apiculture, pisciculture, poultry farming, Chemical & biological control of insect pests. Ecology, Environmental-biology, Toxicology.
Microbiology and Medical Zoology
COI: Students after the completion of this course will be able to know about the aims and scopes of Ecology, major ecosystems of the world, characteristics of population, communities & ecosystems, biogeochemical cycles, pollution & its types, ecological succession.
CO2: Students after the completion of this course will be able to know about laws of limiting factors, the food chain in a freshwater ecosystem, energy flow in an ecosystem, trophic levels, conservation of natural resources & environmental impact assessment.
CO3: Students after the completion of this course will be able to know about the definition of toxicity, classification of toxicants, the principle of systematic toxicology, toxic agents and their action, snakc-venom, scorpion, and bee poisoning, food poisoning.
CO4: Students after the completion of this course will be able to know about general and applied microbiology, the microbiology of domestic water and sewage, microbiology of milk and milk products, industrial microbiology.
CO5: Students after the completion of this course will be able to develop knowledge about pathogenic microorganisms, rickeltsia, spirochaetes & bacteria, life history and pathogenicity of the pathogens with reference to a man like Entamoeba, Trypanosoma, Giardia, Schistosoma, Ascaris, Wuchereria & Vector insects.
CO1: Students after the completion of this course will be able to develop knowledge about linkage, & linkage maps, gene expression, gene interaction, Sex chromosome systems, sex-linkage, mutation & chromosomal alterations, human genetics, chromosomal & single-gene disorders.
CO2: Students after the completion of this will be able to understand the general ideas about pH & buffer, transport across the cell membrane, mitochondria & endoplasmic reticulum, active transport & its mechanism, active transport in mitochondria & endoplasmic reticulum, hydrolytic enzymes: their chemical nature, activation & specificity.
CO3: Students after the completion of this course will be able to know about the basic structure & functions of amino acids, metabolism of glycogenesis, gluconeogenesis, glycolysis, glycogenolysis, Cori-cycle, oxidation of glycerol & fatty acid, protein metabolism - deamination, transamination, transmethylation, biosynthesis of protein.
CO4: Students after the completion of this course will be able to know about the scope and importance of biotechnology, recombinant DNA and gene cloning cloned genes & other tools of biotechnology, applications of biotechnology in the pharmaceutical & food processing industry.
CO5: Students after the completion of this course will be able to understand principles & techniques about the pH meter, colorimeter, light microscopes, phase contrast & electron microscopes, Centrifugation, Separation of biomolecules by chromatography & electrophoresis, histochemical methods for determination of protein, lipids, & carbohydrate.
Bachelor of Commerce
Program Outcome:
Course Outcome
I. Financial Accounting
II. Business Communication
I. Business Mathematics
II. Business Reg. Framework
I. Business Environment
II. Business Economics
Three Compulsory Groups
I. Corporate Accounting
II. Company Law
I. Cost Accounting
II. Principles of Bus. Management
I. Business Statistics
II. Fundamental of Entrepreneurship
Two Compulsory Groups
I. Income Tax
II. Auditing
I. Indirect Taxes
II. Management Accounting
Group-III Optional
Option Group A (Finance Area)
I. Financial Management
II. Financial Market Operations
Option Group B (Marketing Area)
I. Principles of Marketing
II. International Marketing
Option Group C (Commercial Area)
I. Information Technology and its Applications in Business
II. Essential of e-Commerce
Option Group D (Money Banking & Insurance Area)
I. Fundamental of Insurance
II. Money & Banking System