1. Best Practice:


“Faithfull with All  Interested Parties in the College, Extraordinarily with Students”


  • To make college campus with a surrounding, this is free from any groupies of stack-holder
  • To make a civilization of collaboration with our stockholders through the teaching on a college campus
  • To teach students by maintaining their festival and cultural ceremony maintained with an educational organization
  • To make a successful mutual bridge between culture and educational organization
  • To build the education college grounds friendly with social concerns of students
  • To educate humanity by integrating common teamwork between the students and the stakeholders.


  • In the map of Chhattisgarh, the college is situated in the rural region of the west part of the state. This region celebrates its culture with all its festivals. There is no cultural diversity in the region of Dharamjaigarh Tehsil. Therefore, our college obeys the Chhattisgarhi culture and festivals. Unlike other parts of Chhattisgarh, there may be less cultural diversity in Dharamjaigarh Tehsil. Due to this scope, the college tries to observe some festivals with stakeholders. Another context of celebrating festivals with students is to maintain the culture and festival spirit of students, which is relevant in the present changing scenario.
  • Our main purpose to select this idea for the best practice is that this region is an area of political and historical awareness. This fact influences and inspires students for their past and present. Dharamjaigarh Tehsil is also a historical place inspiring the students for their feelings of cultural spirit. The context of celebrating festivals with students and staff is to maintain the culture and festival of students and staff, which is relevant in the present changing scenario.


  • The uniqueness of the practice chosen is very relevant not only in the context of society and students but also in the context of education. It may be a fact that the student can perform better in their home environment than in an unknown environment. This cultural gap generates frustration between students and society, or between students and their family relations.
  • Our selected practice may make some of us feel that what or whether we are giving to students is meaningful or not? But we think that we are giving a vision to other HEI to adopt this idea and see its result.


  • This practice is fruitful, result-oriented, and can be seen from the data that there is no case of critical type grievances like indiscipline, anti-ragging, and sexual harassment on the college campus since the date of opening of the college. There is no registered case of ragging, sexual harassment, or discrimination with weaker students of society and girl students for the last 14 years. There is no data of FIR registered in police stations against staff, workers, teachers, or among students.
  • Further, there is no data of mutual quarreling or groupism among students seen in the last 14 years in this college. This is the strength of growing the college in a dynamic way, which experience and undergo nearly in its 14 years of establishment of the college.


  • All teachers and staff members try to go and to attend the cultural ceremony (like marriage, birth-day/new year’s day, etc.) or the festivals invited by the students. For arranging the fund to celebrate the ceremony or the event, teachers and staff members collect amounts, if needed.
  • In some cases, staff, as well as students, collects personal amounts to help the problematic and needy students. The college doesn’t keep any record of such financially-helped students, because it seems an unethical practice of keeping records by staff members and students, who helped them personally.
  • The staff members go to the marriage ceremony of students, family members of staff, or other stakeholders. A collective gift is presented which is not recorded obeying the privacy of the invitee.

7. NOTES (optional):

  • The implementation of best practices of our college is an induction for other colleges because the challenge of securing culture and festivals is a bigger responsibility. Education with following ethics was never challenging before today.


                                                                                                      2. Best Practice


 "Donation of Education with Quality Excellence"


  • To expand the education in rural areas by the college students.
  • To be aware of NSS students with social issues regarding school education.
  • To end the distance between school education and college education.
  • To educate rural children with the help of college and NSS students.
  • To develop the personality of NSS students through the activity in education.
  • To fill the gap in those subjects in which the school children are weaker.


  • The college student comes from those villages and rural areas where there is a lack of school teachers. The school student can’t study all subjects, especially English in school due to the lack of teachers. Even they can’t afford home tuition. Due to this reason, the children were weaker in school education. This was observed by the NSS unit of the college and the NSS unit decided to "Donation of Education with Quality Excellence" in these rural schools. From this step, NSS students can help children in their education.
  • The aim of the NSS unit is to develop an all-around personality through social service. The Donation of Education is also a social service for NSS students. By participating in this activity, the student can develop their personality also and serve the education to poor students of the society. Participation in the Donation of Education is a part of their activity in NSS and daily routine. Due to this scheme, they full their criteria of getting the B-certificate. The NSS-“B-CERTIFICATE” is useful for college students in various fields.
  • In such a situation, the school education and NSS students helped each other to educate the school children in weaker subjects and there is no subject teacher in the school. The NSS students go to their own villages to teach in their vacant time. Sometimes they teach them on Sundays or holidays.


  • NSS students decided to select to teach school students for their NSS activity. For this aim, they talk with the school administration in their villages. NSS students teach children in their vacant time and even those days when they do not go to college. Some of the students also teach on Sundays or holidays. Also, school teachers provide suitable time by adjusting their periods. Those subjects are taught by students in which there were no teachers due to this practice, children covered their poor subject syllabus.


  • NSS students get their B-Certificates after presenting an oral and written exam for their activity. The Donation of Education joined NSS students got their B-certificate mentioning these activities. Also, there are photographs below, indicating the teaching in schools. A panel of interviewers for B-certificate is formed every year, and their members select NSS students for the certificate. Donation of Education scheme joined NSS students succeeds to get these certificates.


  • There were so many problems, which the NSS unit encountered, and finally, they succeeded in it. Some of them are to select those schools where there were no teachers. Another problem was to settle the timetable for teaching by NSS students. Another problem was the selection of such NSS students who lived in the same village for the Donation of Education scheme. Another problem was to indicate the school management get to ready for it.
  • The resources for the scheme are the NSS students. They were selected such that they can teach in their vacant time and holidays in nearby schools in rural areas.

7. NOTES (optional):

  • NSS students collect the photo of teaching the school students to put in their records. Some records are kept by the NSS unit. The interest and satisfaction of NSS students feel them they make successful human beings in their life.